
Quality Management In Business

Introduction To Quality Management

Quality management is a crucial part of business as it ensures that an organizations totality of features and characteristics of a product or service depends on the ability to satisfy the needs of clients. It is essential to maintain quality in business so that customers can be attracted towards the business (Dale, Van Der Wiele and Van Iwaarden, 2013). In the present report, different issues has been taken into account with reference to Rose and Crown hotel which is an independent three star luxury hotel facing quality and other staff related issues. However, it can be solved through maintaining total quality management in business help in increasing the revenue of business.


According to David Garvin dimensions of quality can be well explained below:

  • Performance: It depicts primary operating Characterstics of a product or service.
  • Features: They denote how accessories associate with the product or service are put in place.
  • Conformance: It ensures matching with standard set for performance and ascertaining results for deviations.
  • Durability: It determines how long the product will be consumed, thus determining its utility.
  • Reliability: It depicts how frequent the product fails to operate or function.
  • Serviceability: It ensures how easily a product can be repaired at what cost.
  • Aesthetics: It reflects how the products appeals to customers, in terms of its sound, touch or lucrative looks.
  • Perceived Quality: It shows how the product is perceived among customers. In fact, determining what kind of feelings are attached to product or service.

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Service Quality dimensions have been briefed below:

  • Reliability: It seeks to ensure performance of service dependably and accurately.
  • Responsiveness: It reflects willingness to provide prompt service.
  • Competence: It determines level of knowledge possessed and skills to perform the service.
  • Access: It determines capability to approach resources and personnel to complete service.
  • Courtesy: It reflects politeness, friendliness of service personnel.
  • Credibility: It determines to what extent service personnel is trustworthy and honest.\
  • Communication: It assures that customers are well informed about the product and addressing their feedbacks.
  • Security: It ensures freedom from danger and risk.
  • Tangibles: It ensures physical evidence of service.

The processes of inspection and quality assurance

Inspection is also termed as quality control which is an ongoing process and helps in maintaining the consistency and reliability so that proper outcome can be attained. On the other hand, quality assurance is that through proper planning or taking systematic action it has been assured that the product or service delivered by the business will be able to satisfy the needs of clients (Bolton and Heap, 2008). Moreover, through using such measures it helps business in delivering quality products to clients and fulfilling their expectations. Quality control is a process where proper inspection and authentication is required to confirm that different measures that has been adopted are required to check the quality management in business and deliver products which are approved of good quality.

There are various quality measurement standards like ISO 9000, 9002 and many more which the hotel should follow so that quality service can be rendered to guests. Both quality control and assurance has equal benefits in maintaining total quality management in business so that efficient services can be provided to guests (Ellis and Castle, 2010). Also, through using such quality standards in business depicts a good image of company in market.

Quality control aims to add customer faith in the enterprise’s product and service offerings by providing them better after sale services. For enterprise it reduces cost of failures and rejections on part of customers. In order to maintain hike in prices of company’s products, it is required on part of companies to maintain highest quality of standard in their product, otherwise, it may even not be able to sustain in local market. Repeated purchases by customer can only be assured, if customer perceives high degree of utility and sense of satisfaction in product and service offerings of the enterprise. Providing repair and replacement warranties on products ensures customer’s security.

Approaches to improve quality management

There are various approaches that can be used by hotel in order to improve the quality management in business. It can use quality planning method so that it helps in effective planning the strategies that need to be adopted by business to improve the quality standards. Further, it helps in satisfying the needs of clients so that results can be achieved in the form of loyal customers visiting the hotel (Azarov, 2009). Furthermore, taking feedback from clients about the quality of services will help business in evaluating the status of the hotel and assist them to improve it as per the set standards so that goals can be achieved.

Also, continuous improvement is another approach that can be used by business to improve the performance by delivering superior quality services which effectively satisfy the needs of guests (Harung, 2010). Hence, through improving the quality management in hotel it will help in gaining more number of clients and increasing the profitability of business. Moreover, hotel should also involve all its employees and management in managing quality so that proper services can be delivered. However, there are various approaches by the means of which quality can be improved in cited hotel these are:

Dr. Deming’s 14 points approach – In this approach, 14 points has been highlighted which assist the manager to indulge total quality management within firm in effective and efficient manner. However, these 14 elements are constancy of improvement, adoption of new philosophy, dependence, regular improvement, portfolio of supplier, training, and leadership, setting targets and other as well. This approach also helps to break down barriers between different departments where visions of each department is shared by other one and simultaneously cross-functional teamwork is practiced in order to reduce misunderstanding among departments.

Dr. Armand Feigenbaum – This approach is also considered as one of the significant approach because it consist of quality control by quality development, making efforts for quality improvement and proper monitoring of activities to maintain quality. However, according to Dr. Armand Feigenbaum, quality control is not a technical activity but it is a process where business operations are managed to serve something better than previous to customers o users.

Dr. Philip Crosby approach – He stated that, company should offer zero defect services to its customers. In doing so company needs to set an efficient environment by the means of which employees can follow the orders of client and quality of overall hotel can be maintained. According to Corsby, there are few step attempted to improve quality such as, management needs to be committed to quality, creating quality improvement teams proves handy in upgrading products and services, implying measurement processes in order to identify changes in quality and raising awareness of quality among employees of hotel.

The similarities and differences between different methods

There are several similarities and differences between different approaches used by business in order to maintain total quality management. For example, implementation of different schemes like quality control measures which help hotel in raising its standards and also improving the service quality in business (Wheelen and Hunger, 2011). But, at same time through implying such processes in business it will incur huge costs in order to maintain the total quality in business. In order to gain similarities in quality assurance, hotel is required to follow different rules and regulations so that efficient services can be provided to clients. While, employing total quality management, employees are involved in order to gain quality improvement in service. It is a fact that improvement in quality increase cost of operations and no firm is likes to conduct such activities, therefore hotel management needs to make optimum utilization of their scarce resource in order to acquire best quality at least cost. This is the only way through quality can can be improved without spend much amount. Simultaneously, organising training and development programs for employees results positively in improving their performance as well.


However, all these approaches possess similarities such as boosting quality and performance of hotel in effective and efficient manner. Furthermore, by the means of this hotel can achieve its desired set goals and objectives in the form of improved quality and customer's satisfaction. Most importantly, from the above cited approaches company can enhance its quality in operations and services and improve the overall experience of customers or clients in the hotel. Not only this but can also retain their customers for long-term by providing good quality products and services with highly maintained standards.

Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is known to be measuring of ways that involves all the hospitality services which are provided by a company to clients for meeting or exceeding their individual expectations. For achieving customer satisfaction, Rose and Crown hotel is required to ensure that sound culture is developed within organization for the purpose of meeting specific demand and needs of guests (Moultry, 2009). The culture should be such that it drives all staff members to become dedicated for offering world-class hospitality and leisure services to clients. It may lead to enhancement of hotel’s brand image as well as support from customers to strengthen its brand identity in markets (Miller, 2009).

Rose and Crown should understand that guests mostly look for an experience during their stay which is outstanding and according to the figures above, Banquet provides effective experience to customers during their stay which is about 41% from total. Thus, it is required that hotel provides effective and appropriate services related with banquet as well as other factors leading to outstanding experience of customers (Oliver, 2010). When hotel fails to meet requirements according to the above specification, negative brand image as well as poor level of satisfaction is acquired by organization. It can be stated that voice of customer is very essential because it helps in understanding the demand of clients and providing them products accordingly so that needs can be fulfilled. Also, business should use Gaps approach that helps in identifying the gaps analysis which is the comparison of actual performance with desired performance. Thus, it is essential for business to follow use such methods in order to achieve customer satisfaction.

Continuous Improvement Meaning

Continuous improvement is an ongoing activity of enhancing several areas of business that are ineffective and lack competitiveness. It involves continuously making efforts that are aimed at assisting organization in enhancing products, business processes and services. In the same manner, Rose and Crown hotel is required to employ continuous improvement as a strategy to enhance its overall service delivery in markets. It is because organization would be able to meet requirements of guests while having sound efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility in all the hospitality and leisure services offered to them (Miller, 2009).

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Total quality management is one such approach which can be used by Rose and Crown hotel to ensure sound and continuous improvements within major business operations. This approach develops a culture where everyone thrives to improve current process of undertaking required activities to achieve goals and objectives (Zimmerer, 2011). Steps in employing TQM within hotel are stated as under:

  • Defining what to measure
  • Defining areas required to be measure for improvements (such as front desk service etc)
  • Collecting data associated with inefficiency and incompetence current system
  • Processing data
  • Analyzing data and finding out ways of changing the same in terms of improvement
  • Making data usable for improvement and presenting the same to management
  • Implementing changes for improvement

Added Values to be gained

Continuous improvement leads to attainment of value addition in current process of business. Continuous improvement through the model of Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) is likely to allow business acquire some more effective value into its operations. It is helpful in creating as well as sustaining overall system at the place of work. It is because of which system becomes capable of attracting clients leading to improvement in brand image in markets (Yasin, 2012).

It also drives staff members to learn to offer effective and relevant services to increase satisfaction level of customers. Moreover, continuous improvement is also capable of providing value addition to customers as they can have all their needs fulfilled in the right standard and at right time (Yasin 2012). They can have additional benefits from services offered by staff because entire management of Rose and Crown hotel are focused on improving experience of customers at hotel as a result of continuous improvement.

Types of Information given to Customers and Importance given to Effective Marketing

Different types of information to be given to guests of Rose and Crown hotel are related with type of services offered within different packages, service timing, price list, location, value added services etc. There are business clients as well who require information regarding meeting rooms, rates, banquets, any other complementary services etc (Oliver, 2010). For customers requiring entertainment and leisure services, information related with offers and packages for fitness, recreation, and related facilities have to be given.

Rose and Crown should give importance to effective marketing and all types of information should be offered to clients through advertisements such as print and digital media, outdoor media, promotional channels etc. It helps in creating sound awareness among clients regarding all the services offered by hotel leading to least amount of confusion and conflicts with presence of harmony and effective brand image (Zimmerer, 2011).

Measurement of Quality

Quality measurement is one of the most significant aspects of business organization in order to create brand awareness and sustainability for future functioning. However, in hospitality industry, company undertakes several measured or procedures by the means of which they can measure their own quality of the operations performed by them. For Rose and Crown hotel, measuring quality, management can undertake feedbacks from customers as well as generating information from employees and other stakeholders regarding the services of hotel. Apart from that, benchmarking is another potential measure through which hospitality firm can identify and evaluate its actual quality regarding operations and services (Papp, 2013). By the means of this, Rose and Crown hotel can set specific standards and according to that monitor future functioning. Operating in such a competitive market it is essential for the hotel to indulge constant innovation and creativity in its services so that needs and wants of customers can be fulfilled. Therefore, looking at the present situation of hotel it can be recommended to the hotel that they should incorporate quality circle technique in which management can set a volunteer group who will constantly focus on enhancing the quality of the hotel services.

User and Non user Surveys

By undertaking surveying method, Rose and Crown hotel can identify and evaluate all the dodges in which company is lacking behind and are the major reason for firm’s poor services can be overcome. The user survey refers to the survey done of potential customers through asking different questions from them. While, the non-user survey is the survey done by organization through asking the questions from the people who are potential customers of company. Therefore, surveying with the group of people who often visit to hotel and acquire services will provide appropriate information regarding services of hotel and on that basis management can take appropriately future potential measures (Räisänen, 2003). Along with that, it will assist in understanding the needs and wants of customers and help firm in offering desired services to generate high revenues and profit margin. The non user survey has several benefits because it helps organization in identifying the views of clients and then provide relevant services so that results can be achieved. Also, it helps in implementing all the necessary changes so that customers can feel satisfied. Furthermore, organising appropriate market analysis will also assist top level management of Rose and Crown hotel to understand current market trends and environment to satisfy the needs and wants of customers. Therefore, business should indulge survey method in order to identify and evaluate the information regarding customer satisfaction and further requirement so that appropriate changes or modification can be made (Scheer and Nüttgens, 2000).

Methods of Consultation

For generating appropriate feedback regarding services offered by hotel, management can use the questionnaire method. The main advantage of this method is that it assists in generating appropriate and bulk of information regarding specific topic. Therefore, by the means of this top level management of Rose and Crown Hotel can acquire quality of information regarding its offered services and on that basis potential measures can be made (Scholtes, 2012). Along with that, hotel can use suggestion box method because through this approach managers will generate information from the guest which has acquired the services of firm. Furthermore, internal consultation is also important because this will satisfy the needs and wants of employees working in the hotel (Rutledge, 2009). There are various methods that can be used by business for consultation like questionnaires, focus groups and open meetings. All these helps in taking interviews and asking relevant information in order to encourage participation of underrepresented group. The information collected from different sources that helped in improving the quality scheme so that underrepresented group can be encouraged. Therefore, in order to generate information from employees, management can organize meetings and conferences where everyone given the rights to share their views and provide appropriate suggestions for the future functioning.

Value of complaints procedure

It is the duty of Rose and crown hotel to distribute forms that will consider various questions linked with services like whether the services rendered are good or not and on the basis of outcomes company can bring changes in the services. Hotel should improve its complaints procedure so that it can help clients in making effective decision for using the hotel services in future course of time. Therefore, management should make effective procedures for collecting feedback of users through feedback forms so that their reviews can be collected and further improvement can be done effectively. Also, there should be proper procedure of filing any complaint so that clients should not face any problem. With the help of this technique hotel can easily improve quality of its services as management will know what kind of services are provided and this will provide business more opportunities to grow (Stevenson and Hojati, 2007). On the other hand staff members working in hotel can develop friendly environment with all the customers so that they can know taste and preferences of guests and they can be served accordingly. Whereas they can encourage clients to provide feedback so that modifications can be done in the services. It will also help in knowing the satisfaction level of guests and is beneficial for the entire hotel. By developing appropriate complaint procedure it will become easy to satisfy need of guests and they will prefer to repurchase the services as company cares for them (Peters, 2002). Furthermore the ideas given by customers can be implemented in the workplace for the welfare of hotel and will increase profitability and market share of the hotel.

Analyzing the role of self assessment with an aim to determine the organization current state of health

There are varied kinds of means identified that can be used by Quality manager of Holiday Inn for the purpose to assess their current state of health. Among all one of the most effective way of self evaluation could be comparing the current practices of organization with that of standard good practice. By complying with such type of activity specific area can be identified by the Holiday Inn where they require improvement. Further with this, benchmarking is another way with the help of which current state of organization health can be assessed. By using this method it can be analyzed by the manager that whether their organization is going on the right direction or not (Benchmarking, 2014). It is important for the organization that is to comply with the practice like self assessment. This is because with the help of this approach Holiday Inn can be spend their time on most effective resources which leads to them in terms of increased profits and sales.

Evaluating the importance of communication and record keeping

The importance of communication and record keeping is being evaluated for the hotel Holiday Inn. With the help of an effective communication information with respect to the strategic goals of an organization can be shared between the employees. This enables workers to direct their effective efforts with respect to same in an effective way. This is because it has been seen that if employees are thoroughly informed about the specific goals and objectives of the enterprise at that time they will direct their necessary efforts with regard to the same (Importance of communication, 2014). An effective flow of communication can be maintained within Holiday Inn by using both forms of communication such as vertical and horizontal. Communication assist in raising the motivation of workers which is usually being hinders when employees do not have clarify roles and responsibilities. In addition to this, with the help of communication an effective team can be developed within enterprise.
In the similar way, the record keeping function of the enterprise also play very crucial role. This is because with the help of such type of practices as effective decision can be taken by the manager of Holiday Inn on the basis of past record. In addition to this, record keeping is being considered as one of the most important way with the help of which important information can be store by the manager of hotel. In this respect, it can be said that record keeping plays very important role for the enterprise. This is because by keeping the record of customers that has used the services of enterprise an effective comparison between present and past record can be carried out by Holiday Inn. For example, on comparison it has been identified by the enterprise that they had more customers in past. Then in order to improve the same various measures can be taken by them such as providing training to their employees and attracting customers through various promotional programs. In addition to this, record keeping also assist corporation in terms of making better decision in future.

Staff consultation phases

In staff consultation manager invites suggestion from their employees with an aim to manage the obtained issue within Holiday Inn in an effective way. Numerous steps identified with the help of which quality scheme can be implemented with hotel.

  • Setting the scene for the meeting by informing employees about meeting purpose.
  • Explaining employees of hotel about the objective of implementing quality scheme.
  • Gaining the commitment with respect to the implementation of quality scheme from the staff. This can be gained by manager by communicating them about the benefit of given approach.
  • Finally carry out the implementation of quality scheme
  • Taking feedback and suggestion from the employees of hotel which leads to further improvement in scheme.

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Proposing new system that could improve service quality

Improvement in the service quality of hotel can be carried out by using different types of performance indicators such as increase in the sales of organization and satisfaction of customers etc. With the help of these indicators, manager of Holiday Inn can analyze that whether they are going on to the right direction or not. In addition to this, by implementing standard process of welcoming guest in hotel improvement in the quality of services can be carried out. For example, when guest enters in the hotel at that time they should be welcomed with some type of drink and juice etc. In addition to this, person must be placed at the entrance of hotel for welcome. By complying with such type of practices satisfaction of the guest can be maintained which leads to improve the quality of services. In addition to this, with an aim to improve the service quality of hotel, organization can take assistance from the ISO 9000: 2008 five clauses. By seeking assistance from the given quality system improvement within organization can be carried out by manager. It comprises of following clauses such as quality management system, management system, resource management, product realization and measurement analysis and improvement. Quality management system relies on continuous improvement related approach. This helps hotel in terms of identifying the discrepancy as occurred within hotel. After identifying them an effective measure with respect to same is being taken by the manager of organization. In management system, top level manager set quality policy with an aim to enhance the satisfaction of the customers. In resource management manager direct their efforts in terms of improving the skill and ability of workers which ultimately leads to enable them in terms of delivering their best services to the enterprise in an effective way. Product realization and measurement analysis and improvement also follow the given approach.


Summing up all the facts and figures from the whole report it can be concluded that by using various types of quality control measures improvement in the services of hotel can be carried out. In addition to this, by complying with the practice like continuous improvement satisfaction of the customers can be maintained in an effective way. This will leads to hotel in terms of increased profits and sales.


  • Bolton, M. and Heap, J., 2008. The myth of continuous improvement. Work Study.
  • Ellis, C. and Castle, K., 2010. Teacher research as continuous process improvement. Quality Assurance in Education.
  • Peters, 2002. Continuous learning and continuous improvement. Measuring Business Excellence.
  • Zimmerer, W. T., 2011. The role of benchmarking in achieving continuous service quality. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management.
  • Yasin M. M., 2012. Improving the hospitality sector: The role of HRM. Human Resource Management International Digest.
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